Buff Calls
Buff Calls
Buff Calls were the beginning of my love affair with Call ducks. I was given a pair of Buffs when I was thirteen and those two little ducks are what started me on a life long journey of loving waterfowl. As I remember them, they were very typey and had better coloring that a lot of the Buffs out there today. So I guess it stands to reason, that I am trying to recreate those birds as a testament to those two little ducks. However, the quality stock that produced those two birds does not seem to be out there anymore. So, having said that, Buffs will always have a place in my heart and will be an ongoing color for me as long as I raise poultry.
Buff Call Description
Buff Male
Head: Creamy buff
Eyes: Medium brown
Bill: Yellow
Neck: Creamy buff
Breast & Wings: Even, uniform creamy buff
Back, tail, body, and stern: Even uniform creamy buff
Shanks & toes: orange yellow
Buff Female
Same as above with the exception of the female's bill should be brown and orange and a darker bean.
-White feathers
-Plumage other than creamy buff, except white which is a defect
When breeding the buff call, keep in mind that a darker colored head and breast, on males, are persistent pests for the breeder. In both sexes, an indistinct speculum is another persistent problem. While keeping these things in mind as faults, and avoiding them as much as possible, we should not penalize an other wise nicely typed bird from making it into the breeding pens.